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My Photos (W/E 9-3-11)

I hope everyone in the Northeast got through last weekend's storm okay. Luckily we did not suffer any damage and did not lose power or experience any flooding.  Still, it was a nerve-wracking day.  I did not get to visit everyone's Weekly Winners posts, but intend to make up for it this week.

School did start on Tuesday, as scheduled, but the school was running on emergency power.  There was no hot lunch served the first day, but everything seemed to go well.  There were some roads closed due to down power lines and trees, so the school buses had to find alternate routes and children were advised not to walk to school.

The twins start preschool this week, so the storm did not affect their first day at all.

(Click any photo to enlarge)

"See Me"

"A Closer Look"

Thank you for taking the time to view my photos this week! If you'd like to play along or see more great photos, stop by to see Lotus a.k.a. Sarcastic Mom.