I think I must have mentioned before about what a sound sleeper our 7 year old son is. He has slept through the twins' screaming and crying, my vacuuming up a big spider above his bed, and even some severe thunderstorms. You can imagine how difficult it is to wake him up in the mornings for school.
Since school starts again in less than 2 months, we thought it was time Jake got his own alarm clock. That way, my husband or myself will not need to stand by his bed every weekday for ten minutes trying to wake him up. His new alarm clock is a
SpongeBob clock radio
. We had to put it at the foot of the top bunk so that Jake could not just reach over and hit the giant snooze button and go right back to sleep.
He is thrilled to have a clock radio like a big boy right now, but wait until school starts again, when that alarm clock keeps going off until he gets up to turn it off.
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