These are the results of the survey I found to be most relevant to families like mine and many of our readers . . .
- While more than half (54%) of all adults would like to eat breakfast every day, in reality only one-third (34%) actually do.
- Nearly all moms (89%) want their kids to eat breakfast every day. However, 40 percent of moms report their child doesn’t eat breakfast daily.
- Although moms report a desire to see their kids relax in the morning and concentrate on eating breakfast, many kids are too busy watching television, getting their homework done or getting ready for school to do so.
- When asked about which vitamins/minerals they hoped their children obtained with breakfast, they both preferred Fiber (Mom’s 94% and Dad’s 99%). For Dad’s, the next most important was Protein (84%) and for Mom’s it is Fiber (84%)
Thank you to Kellogg's for providing the information shared in this article. No compensation was received for sharing this information with our readers.