Recently, my stress level had hit a new high. Although I have known that I had needed to make some changes for a long time, I just cannot seem to get there. Where is there? Well, I need to get to a place where I am not exhausted all the time, where I have more time to spend with my husband and children, and where I can feel more serene (even if it's just for an hour a day).
Right now, I stay up until 1 or 2am almost every night trying to fit in all my responsibilities, which are:
- Caring for our family of 5
- PR work
- Blogging on 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires
- Blogging on A Blog of Goodies
- Writing my style column
- Being a moderator on the MomDot Forums
Notice there is no "me time" listed in there? I have thought long and hard, but I could not bring myself to give up any of the responsibilities listed above, so I am going to try to make some changes. Some of these changes are ones I have attempted to make in the past, but have failed. Maybe it will help me to hold myself to it if I put them in writing?
- Taking on less product reviews
- Telling myself that it is okay to skip a day of blogging now and then
- Getting ahead to where I can schedule posts in advance for Saturday and Sunday, so that I can take weekends off
- Focusing more time on the educational series I had previously begun . . . Play To Learn Diner and Kindergartner-in-Training
- Keeping reviews mostly focused on the two things I enjoy reviewing the most, which are educational/developmental toys and fashion.
The last change I am trying to make is adding this new series to this blog called Letters To Karen. I have a series about my children called Silly Monkey Stories and one about my husband called For Better or For Worse, but I do not really write about myself directly. In this series, I will write letters to myself about things I need to tell or remind myself about as far as being being a mother, wife, business owner, and blogger goes.
Hopefully, these changes will help me achieve the balance in my life that I so desperately need.
This is my favorite 1st grade art project brought home by our oldest son this past school year. It was done during a unit they did on Japan shortly after the tsunamis of 2011. I just love looking at it and wish we had a scene like this outside our back door.