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Living Green With Jerinda: Topricin Natural Pain Relief Cream

Topricin is a natural pain relief solution in a cream form. It comes in three varieties: Topricin, Topricin Foot Cream, and Topricin Junior. Topricin helps relieve pain from arthritis, carpal tunnel, back pain, fibromyalgia, plantar fasciitis, sports injuries, and more. It is odor free, non-greasy, and free from artificial dyes, Topricin is safe to use on everyone, including children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

I had no expectations when it came to Topricin. I had seen it at my local health food store, but never thought of buying it because I assumed it didn’t do what it boasted. I was wrong. Both my husband and I have plantar fasciitis in our feet and the foot cream has really, really helped alleviate that pain. I also suffer from chronic back pain and have been pleasantly surprised at how much it dulls even that pain. I won’t tell you it’s a cure-all for pain, but it works far better than any other over-the-counter product I’ve ever tried.


Topical BioMedic’s is offering you a chance to try doctor-recommended Topricin Pain Relief and Healing Cream for free. Go to to receive free samples of safe, natural Topricin products and be automatically entered into a random drawing for a chance to win a Kindle . Enter promo code ‘KINDLE’ at checkout through June 30, 2011. One entry per household.

Thank you to Topricin for providing complimentary product samples for us to base this review upon.