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Silly Monkey Stories: A Cat of Many Names

We have a cat named Sagwa who is just over a year old.  She is still very much a kitten and often gets into things that she ought not.  When I see her doing something, such as trying to steal food off your plate, I would say to her, "Hey, Missy!!!"  The children have heard me say that at least a few dozen times over the past year.

One day, after I uttered, "Hey, Missy!!" to Sagwa, our 4 year old daughter said, "You call her Missy, but I call her Princess."  So every time thereafter, our daughter would follow my "Hey Missy" with an "I call her Princess."  It was always the same, until the day our 4 year old son decided to chime in.  The conversation went something like this . . .

ME:  "Hey Missy!!!"

DAUGHTER:  "I call her Princess!"

SON:  "I call her Mike!!"

Since then, that is how the dialog went, always ending with my being puzzled by our son's choice of nickname for our little Sagwa.

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