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Is There Such a Thing As a Fairy Blog Mother?
Since 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires turned 3 earlier this year, I have been examining the path this blog has taken. What started out as a personal blog created to document the happy moments in my life, both big and small, has turned into quite a lot of work. Please don't misunderstand this to mean that I am unhappy with the state of my blog and that I am not proud of how it has grown. It's just that I wish there was a Fairy Blog Mother to worry about SEO and things like landing page optimization and conversion rate optimization. I just want to go to the ball and have fun.
I see many veteran bloggers starting a separate blog to just write about what they enjoy. At the beginning of this year, I gave my other blog A Blog of Goodies a makeover, changing it from a contest blog to a shopping blog co-authored by my husband. I think it was the smartest move I've made in a long time. It's nice to have an outlet to write just for fun. I have been trying very hard to keep the PR to a minimum on that site. I do hope that I can keep up both blogs. Now I just need to talk to my Fairy Blog Mother about adding a few more hours onto each day.