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For Better or For Worse: The Easter Bunny Sighs and Shakes His Head

Since Easter is only a couple of weeks away, I asked my husband to get the box containing our Easter stash for the children's Easter baskets down from the closet shelf.  I had to check to see if the loot was even between the three.  I've learned my lessons from past years of uneven Easter baskets and holiday stockings.

After I took inventory of what I had and made a mental note of what I still needed to get, I noticed that the three packages of Jelly Belly jelly beans I had picked up a few weeks ago were missing from the stash.  I told my husband this and he started to look around the closet for the missing items.  Then he realized that any further search was futile.

It seems when I asked my husband to put the bag containing the candy into the box in the closet, he heard, "Take this candy to work and eat it."  Seriously, he did.  He didn't question it, even though he thought it was extremely strange.

I wonder how he explained eating Hello Kitty jelly beans at his desk to his co-workers?