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Review: "Jimmy Stone's Ghost Town" by Scott Neumyer

I just recently read Jimmy Stone's Ghost Town by Scott Neumyer. Although I enjoyed the book, I think I should say right away that the book was not geared to me as a reader. I feel that Jimmy Stone's Ghost Town is an excellent choice for younger readers.

The book is written from the perspective of a young boy (Jimmy) who endures some tragedy and is left mostly alone to deal with his troubles. The book does a great job of putting you right in the middle of the action and bringing back memories of childhood. It was easy for me to imagine Jimmy dealing with his issues.

Then the book takes a mystical and spooky twist as the books title implies. I do not want to say more as the book would spoil easily with too much information, but I am sure you can guess where it goes!

Although not for a reader of my age, the book is very easy to read (I read it in just two sittings) and did a good job placing me in the situation. I imagine “tweens” and possibly younger readers would love Jimmy Stone's Ghost Town. The fact that there will be sequels makes it all that more appealing.

If you have a young reader in your house that likes a good clean thrill, I recommend Jimmy Stone's Ghost Town. Adults be prepared for an easy and short read if you choose to read it yourself.

Currently you can find this eBook for the Kindle, the NOOK, and other formats.  To learn more about this book, visit,, and Scott Neumyer on Facebook.

Thank you to Scott Neumyer for providing a complimentary review copy of this eBook for us to base this review upon.