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Is Modern Furniture Right for Your Home?
When I worked in a furniture store as the visual manager, some of my favorite areas to work with were the modern furniture room settings for living rooms, bedrooms, and dining. They always looked so simple and clean. In spite of my love for modern furniture, my own home is more mission style. I suppose in my mind, modern furniture is not very kid-friendly . . . so many right angles. Over the past decade, however, I have noticed that modern furniture has come a long way.
If you love the space-saving benefits, functionality, and streamlined look of modern furniture, but are worried about comfort, I encourage you to look a little harder. Although many modern furniture designers pay more attention to design and not enough to comfort, there are some that seem to understand that furniture needs to be family-friendly as well. Comfortable furniture that is not overstuffed is difficult to come by, but it does exist. You just need to be patient and persistent in your search.
I received a gift code from CSN Stores as a thank you for participating in this campaign.
House and Home,
Interior Design,
Room Decor