This time of year, you may be cooking a lot more than usual for gatherings you have been invited to or for ones taking place in your own home. During those times, you may not have the energy or time to prepare a regular meal for yourself or your family. For lunch, we tried the Marie Callender's Fresh Mixers. These are not the frozen Marie Callender's meals you are use to seeing. The Fresh Mixers are a shelf-stable line that you can keep handy in your pantry just like canned soups. They make a tasty, quick, and easy lunch for when you are not in the mood for soup.
For a fast dinner, we tried two Marie Callender's Baked Meals . . . the Creamy Chicken Alfredo with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and the Scalloped Potatoes & Ham in a Creamy Swiss Cheese Sauce. Each were prepared in the microwave in just 15 minutes. The Dutch Apple Pie took just over an hour to bake and was prepared ahead of time so it would be cool enough to eat for dessert. The 3 products cost under $20 altogether.
As someone who is lactose-intolerant, I would love to see additional varieties added to the line of Marie Callender's Baked Meals on top of the existing ones that are all very creamy and heavy with cheese. Although I enjoy them, I have to limit my portions drastically.
To view the full line of Marie Callender's products, visit MarieCallendersMeals.com . For a limited time, you can find printable coupons for $1.00 off select Marie Callender's products on the brand's website.
Thank you to ConAgra Foods for sending us complimentary sample products and coupons to base this review upon. I also received a tablecloth and a Netflix gift card to promote the theme of a nice meal with more free time.