Luckily, he came around eventually . . .
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Silly Monkey Stories: No More Pictures Please!
A couple of weekends ago, we attended a fair at the twins' preschool. There were tons of fun preschool-level games to play, along with face painting, and crafts. We were waiting in line to have the boys' faces painted (our daughter was being her usual timid self and did not want any part of it), when all of a sudden our 3-1/2 year old son became camera shy. If you've read any of our past Silly Monkey Stories, then you know that he is usually quite the ham. On that day, he covered his face with his hat and turned away from the camera.
If you have a Silly Monkey Story to share, sign Mr. Linky below with the link to your blog post (not the link to your main blog page). Please do not forget to visit the other participants and leave them comments to let them know you stopped by!
Family Activities,
Silly Monkey Stories