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Review: Balloonatiks - The Collector's DVD

Five ordinary teens are transformed into shape-stretching, rubbery superheroes called the Balloonatiks in this DVD of the same name. The Balloonatiks are interesting, unique, and super funny heroes whose names are even hilarious; Flator, Squeeker, Airbrain, Sparky, Bouncer and Leaky. In the very first of this series, "Meet Deflator", The Balloonatiks take on Dr. Poppemoff, a mad scientist along with his brainless goon. In "Pop Goes the Balloonatiks", they fight the silly villain, Mr. Point, and hilarity ensues.

The DVD runs for about 23 minutes total, which is its only downfall: there’s just not enough. From the nearly 2 year old I watch up to my 9 year old they were enthralled by its goofy take on superheroes and even I was thoroughly entertained. Even the theme song is catchy and entertaining, so the kids were drawn in from the very beginning. Its bright colors, flawless animation, and unforgettable characters kept them into it.

We had never heard of the Balloonatiks before but since we’ve done some research on them and found out that their website,, has a whole world of fun, cleverly named Hot Air City. From games, to comic strips, to a store, and more there is a ton of fun to be had on there, and fun we’ve had. My children really enjoyed this DVD and are already begging for more.

You can buy the Balloonatiks DVD on or buy other gear on the Balloonatiks website. To learn more about the Balloonatiks series, visit Balloonatiks on Facebook.

Thank you to Balloonatiks for sending us a sample DVD free of charge to base this review upon.