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Silly Monkey Stories: A Break From Fighting Crime

Last week's Silly Monkey Story showed you just how much fun it can be to put on a super hero costume and to fight a little crime. Well, this week we are going to show you what happens to 3 year old crime fighters who have overdone it just a bit.

Actually, our little Luke has stopped taking naps quite awhile ago, but the past week or so, he has been falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon. Perhaps our little peanut is going through a growth spurt? We might have to bring back naps, especially after the twins start preschool this fall.

If you have a Silly Monkey Story to share, sign Mr. Linky below with the link to your blog post (not the link to your main blog page). Please do not forget to visit the other participants and leave them comments to let them know you stopped by!