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Silly Monkey Stories: A Boy and His Bucket

Have I ever mentioned what happens when our 6 year old son Jake eats too much? Well, when his belly is too full and he lays down at night, everything comes back up after awhile. We never know when this is going to happen, so we have learned to have him keep his plastic Halloween candy bucket next to his pillow on his bunk bed.

On Sunday, we took the kids to the movies and AMC was having a great promotion for 4th of July where all popcorn and fountain drinks were only $1.00 each if you printed the coupons out. So needless to say, we were all stuffed with popcorn when we left the theater that evening. Then we made the kids each eat a slice of pizza so they wouldn't be hungry later on. My husband and I both agreed that this would definitely be a night when it might be useful to have that bucket handy.

Later that night, my husband went in to check on Jake and this is what he saw. (Of course he comes running out of the kids room telling me to hurry up and to give him the camera.)

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