Through July 20th of 2010, you are invited to play in the Johnsonville ShareYourVille Sweepstakes! There are $30,000 worth of cash and prizes to be given out from generous sponsors, such as Hefty, Coleman, Gander Mountain, and of course Johnsonville. One of the prizes is a $10,000 cash prize!
How to enter . . .
- Upload a short video into one of the 4 categories (Friendsville, Familyville, Eventville, and Locationville). You will get to choose between 2 divisions . . . Amateur or Pro. You can use the same video for more than one category as long as it fits the theme. The first 50 video entrants will automatically received coupons for Free Johnsonville products.
- Play the Grillville Game! (Careful . . . it's a bit addictive.)
- Look around on Facebook and the web for Grillville Code Words. Here's one to get you started . . .
Check 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires Facebook page for another secret Grillville Code Word.
To learn more about this and other fun Johnsonville contests, visit,, JvilleSausage on Twitter, and Johnsonville on Facebook.
Thank you to Johnsonville for sending us grilling products free of charge to base this review upon and for providing us with sweepstakes information to share with our readers.