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From Table Lamps to Bathroom Accessories

This is a perfect example of how my mind works. One thought always leads to another, but where I end up usually has nothing to do with where I started. I was browsing the selection of table lamps on CSN Stores for a suitable desk lamp. Can you believe I spend all this time at my desk at home and I do not have a lamp on it? I just rely on a nearby floor lamp for light.

Then I started thinking about getting the children's trampoline I had passed over for the writing desk last time I shopped on this site, but it was out of stock. That led to a go-kart, which led to a hanging jewelry armoire, which brought me back to table lamps, which then brought me to bathroom accessories. Are you following me so far?

I think the cause of my indecisiveness is the ongoing inner struggle between what we need and what we want. I think I compromised with myself and found something we both need and want. Our two bathrooms have been horribly neglected since we bought this townhouse. It was always our plan to remodel them, but we just never did. The chrome bathroom accessories below will go in the downstairs bathroom, which needs the least amount of work between the two.

Anyone want to come help me peel off wallpaper?