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Review: "Time Squared" Clock from Discovery Channel Store

The Discovery Channel Store is known for all the ultra-cool gadgets it carries. My husband so misses having this store at our local mall since he is a huge fan of both the Discovery Channel and inventive tech products. He could spend well over an hour in that store per visit. This Time Squared Clock is just one of many impressive gifts for Dad offered on this website.

My husband was so thrilled to be able to replace our old alarm clock with this one from the Discovery Channel Store. This clock is nostalgia done with a modern flair. Even our 6yr old son thought the grid design was the coolest thing. He tried to convince his Dad to agree to give it to him. I think he wanted to display die cast cars in the little squares.

The feature that I like best about this clock is the large LED display, which can be adjusted to be dimmer or brighter. My husband and I will no longer need to struggle to see the time when we wake up in the middle of the night or early in the morning with blurry eyes and no glasses on.

This AC powered multi-function alarm clock has a snooze, the date, a timer, and battery back-up. If you are not using this clock as an alarm clock, then it can also be wall-mounted. In addition to sitting on a nightstand or a desk, I think this clock would look great hung over a bar or in a game room.

To view this and other great gift ideas for Dad, visit . If you cannot decide on a gift, you can always order a Discovery Channel Store e-Gift Card, which is a great idea if you are a last-minute shopper.

Thank you to Discovery Channel Store for providing us with a sample clock free of charge to base this review upon.