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My Photos (W/E 6-26-10)

I must warn you, there is an overabundance of photos this week. I only had time to ready a small handful of photos for my Father's Day post last week, so I had to include many of them in this one. I attempted to cut down the number of photos as much as I could . . . really, I did!!

"In Disguise" & "Sqeezin's"

"Band of Brothers"

"Life is Ducky" & "The Gift of Art"

"With a Wave of His Wand . . . "

"Brace Yourself Mr. Cookie" & "A Closer Look"

"Monstrous Fun"

Thank you for taking the time to view my photos this week! If you'd like to play along or see more great photos, stop by to see Lotus a.k.a. Sarcastic Mom.