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Bing's Teacher Appreciation Website Teams Up With

We have always tried to teach our 6yr old son to appreciate his teachers and school in general. "Santa" even left a Donors Choose card in his stocking last Christmas so that he can learn about how many teachers are not fortunate enough to have much-needed equipment for their classrooms or even have the basics, like pencils and binders.

Last month was Teacher Appreciation Month. In honor of teachers everywhere, Bing's Teacher Appreciation Website has made it their goal to spread the word about the wonderful organization that is . When you share a brief story about one of your or your children's favorite teachers, you will receive a $5 giving code to use towards helping a classroom in need in the United States. You can share up to 5 stories about five individual teachers. That means you could have $25 to use on Donors Choose to help one or more classrooms.

Sharing a story could not be any easier. You need only provide the teacher's last name and the school in which he or she teaches. Then you have a chance to tell in what way this teacher positively impacted you or your child's life. The most difficult part was trying to say what I wanted to relay in only a few sentences. For my first teacher to recognize, I chose my son's kindergarten teacher. She is an amazing teacher, who made sure my son's first year of elementary school was an extremely positive one.

I invited my son to decide where our donation should go on Donors Choose. There were several ways to filter the causes, so that you can narrow down your choices more easily. We looked for teachers making requests in our own state. Then we chose a category. My son selected the category of special needs. Last time we made a donation, he chose the category of literacy. As I was reading all the requests to my son, he saw this picture on the computer screen below where I was reading.

This picture accompanied a request for jiggler massagers for a special needs classroom containing students with Autism spectrum disorder. My son was sure this was the teacher we should help because these students really must have these jigglers and I wholeheartedly agreed. I know my son chose this cause because of how fun and colorful the jigglers looked, but he will understand better later on how much good we did when we get to read letters of thanks and photos from this classroom we have helped.

If you are a teacher or know of one whose classroom is underfunded and cannot afford much-needed supplies, you should encourage them to make a product request on . Every teacher deserves to have their jobs made less difficult by having adequately equipped classrooms.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Bing and received a $100 giving code to facilitate my review. Mom Central also sent me a thank-you gift certificate.