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The Quest for the Codex (Free Browser-Based Game)

Since getting hooked on the book series "The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel", my husband is very much looking forward to reading the fourth book in the series . . . "The Necromancer". In honor of the hardcover release on May 25th, I would like to draw your attention to the free online game that is based upon this book series . . . The Quest for the Codex.

"The Quest for the Codex is an interactive strategy game where users play as themselves, utilizing ten clicks per day to navigate various maps and locations to collect pieces of the Codex from the 'Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel' book series, in addition to unlocking character badges from the books, viewing video previews of 'The Necromancer' and playing extra games within to earn more clicks per day. The game is free and is open to all to play; U.S. Residents can register for a sweepstakes once they visit the site."

My husband will be taking this game for a test drive. Look for his thoughts about this game in our upcoming book review of "The Necromancer".

No compensation was received for sharing this information with my readers.