Every year I say that I am going to reuse the containers for the Easter baskets on the following year, but I end up using them for storing toys or something else. This year, I kept my promise. These folding storage bins will be reused next year along with the Easter grass. The kids left these baskets out the night before Easter for the Easter bunny to fill with goodies.
This year we were in a bit of a rush to make it to my cousin's house in time for an Easter egg hunt and brunch, so they were only allowed to open one or two things right away.

It's always fun to see what each will pull out of their basket first. They always compare to see if they all received the same things, which they don't always. I try to select items that fit each child's interests.
Thanks for taking the time to view these photos. There are actually more photos to come of brunch with my cousin's family.