The general concept is similar to premade digital scrapbooking templates. You simply visit the Picture Gift Bags website, go to the gift bags tab, select the bag size, select the occasion and the desired layout, and then upload your photo or artwork. Some layouts even allow you to add personalized text to your bag. The bags range from $6.49 to $7.95. Once you've placed your order, your picture and any custom text will be printed on the bag you have selected, which will be shipped directly to your home or place of business.
Here are some examples of the results . . .
The bags arrive flat as shown below. You simply pop them into a rectangular prism and lock the bags into place at the bottom of the bag. Some of the bags came with the handles already attached, while some of the bags just had them tucked inside. It was easy to attach the handles. I only needed to thread the ends through the prepunched holes from the outside. Once through, the ends securely stay in place like a toggle clasp on a necklace or bracelet.
These gift bags are more like thin cardboard gift boxes. When they first pop open, they do not keep a perfectly rectangular shape, but once they are stuffed with goodies and tissue paper, they hold their shape well. If well-cared for, these bags would make a nice keepsake for the recipient.

I submitted high resolution photos to use on these sample gift bags. The quality of the photos printed on the bag were very good, but not excellent. They were definitely good enough for gift-giving. It appears as if my photos may have been enhanced, at least to increase the contrast, but I cannot be positive.
One thing I have to note is that the large size bag is shipped in an envelope that is not rigid. I had problems with my first set of sample bags being creased. You can see one of the major creases on the large bag in my first photo. When my samples were resent, I only received medium and small bags and they came in a rigid cardboard mailer. It may be a risk to order a large bag until Picture Gift Bags has solved this problem.
If you'd like to receive a free sample of a picture gift bag, you can do so by visiting PictureGiftBags.com or PictureGiftMart.com and using Promo Code: FREE11PCGM at checkout. This coupon code is good for a medium sized picture bag only and is valid through July 31st, 2010.
Thank you to Picture Gift Bags for sending us product information along with sample gift bags free of charge to base this review upon.