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The 4 Troops Debut CD Available in May 2010

Something to look forward to this spring is the upcoming debut album of 4 Troops, a foursome of young military verterans who have joined together to form a musical group. Members include Former Cpt. Meredith Melcher, Sgt. Daniel Jens, Staff Sgt. (Ret.) Ron Henry and Former Sgt. David Clemo.

4 Troops offers listeners positive and inspirational music, some of which are popular well-known songs and some brand new. Take a few minutes to watch the music video below of their first single titled "For Freedom" written by Matt Moran.

Look for the 4 Troops debut album beginning May 25th, 2010. You can also look for airings of their February military base concert during the summer on participating PBS stations.

Thank you to Sony Music for providing the information used in this article. No compensation was received for sharing this information with my readers.