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Shop 'n' Share: Great Deal on Melissa & Doug "Stamp & Sort Mailbox"

I may have mentioned before that I love to shop the clearance section on . Well, I could not resist browsing their after-Christmas selection and was thrilled to find some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party supplies on clearance. That just happens to be the theme for the twins' birthday dinner this week.

I also stumbled across something that I had been eyeing for close to a year . . . the Melissa & Doug - Stamp & Sort Mailbox. I thought it would be a great way for our kindergartner to practice reading and writing, while incorporating it into pretend play. I'm so glad I put off the purchase because I found it on clearance for $17.99 on All Aboard Toys. On top of that, I was able to take advantage of a free shipping offer. To compare,, which usually has very competitive prices, is now selling it marked down for $25.40 .
I have to say that the kids love this mailbox! I think I'm going to think up a craft project to make additional pieces of mail. If I come up with anything, I'll certainly write it up for my Creating With Colors series.