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How Do You Roll?

It took about 15 years, but Team Over seems to have prevailed in our house. I'm talking about toilet tissue! It does not make sense to have the tail of the roll further away from you and possibly hidden from site. It's much more efficient to have the toilet paper roll over from the top. Any other way simply is not logical.

Cottonelle has brought this debate to the public and would like you to cast your vote for "Over" or "Under." The beloved Tori & Dean along with the Cottonelle puppies will be officially launching this debate on January 27th in New York City.

The winning team will be announced on limited edition packaging on Cottonelle toilet paper. If you really would like to join the debate, watch these fun videos of people making their arguments on the Cottonelle YouTube Channel. You can even submit a video of your own. You are also able to cast your vote by visiting Cottonelle on Facebook.

So tell me, which team are you on?

Thank you to Ketchum for providing the information shared in this post. Although I was not compensated in any way for sharing this information with my readers, I may possibly receive free product in the future.