The earBudeez are perfect for tweens and teens and are packaged in boxes resembling a variety of fun characters. You might even be able to find some specially packaged for the holidays, like this snowman. The Emo Green earBudeez my son chose match his Leapster 2 perfectly.

For my nearly 6yr old son, the earBudeez were a little too big for his ears. He was not able to fit them in as they were meant to be. Although they would stay in his ears, they would fall out easily. Because the ear piece could not be inserted all the way, others around him could here the sound faintly. Hopefully, my son will grow into them soon.
The metal Headshox are perfect for teens to adults and actually come with 3 different size ear pieces. My husband, who uses his black metal Headshox with his iPod, says that the sound quality is at least as good as the Apple stock earphones.
My husband uses the mid-size ear pieces, which fit him perfectly. Even when he turns the music up, others around him cannot hear the slightest hint of music. In fact, these earphones fit so well and are so light and comfortable that they are nearly undetectable. My husband often forgets he has them in his ears, which is not something he can say about any other brand of earphones he's tried in the past.
These Audiovox headphones would make practical gifts or stocking stuffers for anyone who loves their MP3 player or enjoys handheld gaming. You should be able to find them at Walmart, Amazon.com, and other major retailers of audio accessories.
Thank you to Audiovox for providing us with sample headphones for this review.