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Christmas 2009: Christmas Morning

Christmas morning at our house began with three very excited children. Santa had visited the night before, left the requested gifts under the tree, stopped to enjoy the milk and cookies, and left the magic key he had used to enter our house on the plate where we were sure to find it.

After everyone was changed with faces washed and teeth brushed, my husband led the children downstairs. They could not believe their eyes. The space under and next to the tree had been empty the night before, but were now filled with wrapped gifts and the toys they had written to Santa Claus for.

Santa brought Jake the MEGA Bloks Streetz City Pursuit building set. Makenzie received the Caring Corners Mrs. Goldberger Dollhouse, and Luke got the Mickey Mouse's Magic Choo Choo Train Set.

It took us awhile to get through everything. Luckily, we were able to take a break for freshly baked cinnamon rolls. The children ate theirs quickly because they were eager to get back to the gifts.

Jake had a special gift for the whole family. He made us a 2010 calendar in school. I can't wait for the New Year to start so that we can hang it up proudly in our kitchen.

Even Mom and Dad received a couple of gifts. The kids even stopped their playing to watch us open our presents. They were very excited to be able to give us gifts.

Two of our four cats were hiding from all the excitement Christmas morning, but the other two were able to open their stockings. They each received catnip toys and were very appreciative.