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Shop 'n' Share: Love My Holiday Cards From Tiny*Prints

Our holiday cards arrived a few days ago from ! My husband and I could not be more pleased. Somehow my casual at-home photo was turned into a wonderful holiday portrait. Of course, you cannot see that the boys are wearing matching shirts and our daughter is dressed all pretty in a red tutu, but I can live with that.

I was actually worried because this photo was the only usable photo out of the bunch and it has somewhat of an unbalanced composition. When I saw the Wonderful Wave card, I had a feeling that this might be the perfect design for this photo. That didn't stop me from looking through every single-photo holiday card there was available though. There are 462 single-photo flat holiday cards on Tiny*Prints and many of them come in more than one color. For example, the one I chose also came in red.

The cards are almost fully customizable. You upload your photo and then you can change the placement as well as zoom in and out. You have total control over what the text reads and you are able to select the fonts. Most of the time you will have at least two font colors to choose from for a particular design. There is also the option of either coordinating address labels or preprinted envelopes. I opted for the preprinted envelopes this year because it means less work for me.

Cost-wise, ordering your holiday cards from Tiny*Prints would fall in between ordering cards from your local photo processing store and ordering cards from a professional portrait studio. Now that I've done all of the above, I really like Tiny*Prints because there is so much more to choose from. I am extremely unlikely to see an identical holiday card from another family I know this year.

Before you place an order from Tiny*Prints, do not forget to check their promo page for Tiny Prints Coupon Codes and Promotions.