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Giveaway & Review: "Memoir of Me" Personalized Storybook [CLOSED]

It is no secret that I am a huge fan of personalized gifts. Once in awhile, just when I start to think that I have seen it all, someone comes up with something new that is truly unique. That is what Michelle LeBow did when she created this personalized children's storybook called Memoir of Me.

I know personalized children's books are not a new concept, but LeBow takes it beyond just inserting your child's name in the story. The personalization goes much further. That combined with Lauren Baez's illustrations, makes this book a keepsake a child in your life will cherish through adulthood.

What I thought about our son's Memoir of Me book:

1) I have to say that I was impressed by the level of personalization allowed in creating my son's book. I was able to write my son a personal dated letter and both my son and I were characters in the book. I chose to commemorate one of the big moments of his life, which was his starting kindergarten.

2) You are also able to select the gender and look of your child's character. Right now there are 6 choices for each gender, but I think it could not hurt to have more. It can only make the book more special if the character in the book closely resembles the child. Some variations I suggest are freckles, eyeglasses, and having all hair colors available for each skin tone. For example, my son is half Chinese, but he does not look anything like the Asian boy. A Caucasian boy with black hair would have been perfect for my son.

3) If you have trouble putting your thoughts into words, the Memoir of Me website gives suggestions for themes and even examples of letters you can use for inspiration. This was a very helpful feature.

4) Our son was especially impressed that his father and his younger siblings were also mentioned by name in the letter beyond his name and mine.

5) I think the story in this book would be perfect for a child approximately 6 to 9 years old.

(To read my letter to my son, click on the image below to enlarge)

Overall, the ordering process is extremely user-friendly. The most difficult part of ordering is composing your letter. This book is well-worth the $34.95 (not including shipping) and would last much longer than any toy you could buy for that price. If you'd like to create a book for a special child in your life, you can save 15% off your order when you use Code: MOMMY at checkout.

Thank you to Memoir of Me for providing us with both a review product and a contest prize free of charge.

What you can win:
One lucky reader will receive a personalized "Memoir of Me" book.

This giveaway is open to U.S. addresses only. You do not need to be a blogger to enter, but you must have a valid email address and be age 18 years or older. If you enter anonymously and do not include a valid email address in your comment entries, I will not be able to notify you should you win this random drawing.

How to Gain Entries:
Take a look at the tips and sample letters page. Then leave a comment telling me which tip or sample letter you liked the best. You MUST do this to be eligible to win this contest.

Extra Entries:

1) For 5 extra entries, leave a relevant comment on one of my non-giveaway posts. Then leave FIVE separate comments with the name of the post on which you commented. You will earn 5 extra entries for each different non-contest post you comment on.

2) For 5 extra entries, enter one of my other contests. Leave FIVE separate comments here telling me which contest you entered. You will earn 5 extra entries for each contest you enter.

3) Add this blog to your Technorati Favorites. Then leave a separate comment telling me you did so and under what username. Add to Technorati Favorites

4) For 10 extra entries, blog about this contest linking back to this post AND . Then come back here and leave TEN separate comments with the link to your blog post.

5) Friend me on Facebook. Then leave a separate comment with your Facebook username or a link to your FB profile.

6) Follow me on Twitter. Then leave a separate comment with the link to your Twitter profile.

7) Tweet about this giveaway linking back to this post. Then come back here and leave the link to your tweet in a separate comment. You may do this once per day until the end of the contest.

8) Subscribe to this blog's feed. Or you can follow me through Blogger or subscribe via email (widget is on sidebar). Then leave a separate comment telling me you did so.

9) Add my button or blog link to your blog's sidebar. Then leave a separate comment with the link to your blog.

(All entries will be verified prior to awarding this prize.)

Random Drawing:
This contest will be closed on Thursday, October 22nd, 2009 at 11:59pm EST. A random number drawing will be held shortly after. The winner will be announced here and will be contact via email or through their blog. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, a new number will be drawn.

Good luck in the drawing!