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Silly Monkey Stories: Summer Fun

Since summer has officially come to an end, I thought it would be nice to show pictures of the one time we actually were able to set the wading pool up. It rained quite a bit here in Massachusetts this summer, so we were lucky to have this one day.
Makenzie (a.k.a. Sitting Bull) actually let go and allowed herself to smile for the camera. In fact, not only did she smile, but she offered several different facial expressions.

I saved the best for last. This is Makenzie's signature snarl. This is the face that comes out when she is in the midst of telling her brothers to back off or to return a toy they swiped from her. I'd say she really means business, wouldn't you?

If you have a Silly Monkey Story to share, sign Mr. Linky below with the link to your blog post (not the link to your main blog page). Please do not forget to visit the other participants and leave them comments to let them know you stopped by!