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Review: POMx Iced Coffee

My husband sometimes turns to energy drinks to give himself an extra boost and has wondered why nobody has come up with one that tastes better than just acceptable. I'm sure others have often wondered the same thing about both energy drinks and health drinks. Well POM has come through for all those people by bringing us POMx Iced Coffee.

This new POM product has all the content of antioxidants (650mg) of the other POM Wonderful drinks, but also contains 175mg of caffeine for an extra boost of energy. It is made of hormone-free milk, organic sugar, and is fat free/low-fat (depending on which variety you choose) and contains no preservatives. That is why this product is called the "healthy buzz."

What my husband thought about POMx Iced Coffee:

1) He was excited to try this product because he is already a fan of POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice. Out of the 3 varieties available, he tried the Cafe au Lait and Chocolate, but did not try the Vanilla because he is not a fan of vanilla in general.

2) Even though this product is labeled "iced coffee", my husband thought it tasted more like an iced latte.

3) Although the Chocolate variety was his favorite, my husband thought that the Cafe au Lait was very pleasant and smooth to drink. He prefers it over other drinks that have an overpowering mocha flavor.

4) He said that the Chocolate POMx Iced Coffee tastes like coffee-flavored chocolate milk rather than chocolate-flavored coffee. It actually tastes so good to him that he would choose this beverage over others even if it did not offer any health benefits or an energy boost.

5) Compared to canned Starbucks coffee, this product was smooth, creamy, and fresh tasting rather than thin and watery.

6) Since my husband is one of those people who orders the largest tubs of iced coffee available, he does wish that the serving size of a single POMx Iced Coffee were a little bit larger.

It appears that it is safe to say that POM has succeeded where few (if any) have succeeded before. That is to create a delicious healthy energy drink that one would want to drink even if it did not have those extra side benefits. To learn more about POMx Iced Coffee, visit .

Thank you to POM for providing us with a review product free of charge.