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Lands' End FeelGood Twitter Party
As part of the Lands' End FeelGood Campaign, Lands' End will donate one cone of FeelGood yarn to an organization called Warming Families for every FeelGood sweater sold. Warming Families volunteers will use the yarn to knit warmwear for homeless individuals and families. If just one cone of yarn is enough to make 28 warm hats, just think how many will be produced if you purchased a FeelGood sweater for everyone on your holiday shopping list this year.
You are cordially invited to attend the FeelGood Twitter Party!
DATE: Wednesday, September 16th
TIME: 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. CST
HASHTAG: #landsend
There will be 20+ giveaways during this event hosted by Lands' End and Vickie Howell, craft author and host of Knitty Gritty!