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What Every Busy Mom Needs . . . Mommy Cards

If you are a parent of young children, then you know that life is not always as calm and serene as in this picture. More often than not, you are chasing after your child with an armful of coats, toys, and other things that belong to your child. If you have more than one child, then it is even more chaotic.

When my son first started preschool, I was not prepared for the quantity of playdate requests and birthday party invitations we received and issued ourselves. During such occasions, usually neither parent has a free hand to jot down their name, phone number, and email address for exchange. That is why I think it is such a smart idea to carry a type of calling card with preprinted information on it. These cards are not business cards, but rather mom cards. Instead of stating your business title under your name, it will actually say "parent of . . . " or "mom of . . . " No pen or paper required.

I think these contact cards are also perfect for including in birthday party invitations. This is much more convenient than writing out the RSVP information twenty or so times. I think a stack of 200 cards would last 3 to 5 years. The cost per year would only be a few dollars and well-worth the convenience. I fully intend to start life as a parent of a kindergartner fully armed and prepared with such cards.