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Silly Monkey Stories: It's a Process

Our 2.5yr old daughter Makenzie is a very serious girl. She does do her fair share of laughing and giggling, but I suspect that only happens against her will. She has such a stoic look on her face much of the time that I'm starting to refer to her as Sitting Bull.

My husband and I have begun to view making her laugh as an ongoing challenge. It's a process that we actually enjoy because it's lots of fun to see her losing control while trying to keep a serious face.

Here is the classic Sitting Bull face . . .

And here is Sitting Bull as my husband slowly breaks down her defenses . . .

If you have a Silly Monkey Story to share, sign Mr. Linky below with the link to your blog post (not the link to your main blog page). Please do not forget to visit the other participants and leave them comments to let them know you stopped by!