My 5yr old son has loved anything that involves transportation since before he could walk. So he was thrilled when he found out that he would be able to review the recently released DVD The Best of Mighty Machines.
What I thought about this DVD as a parent:
1) I thought the personification of the machines truly made the episodes more enjoyable for my son. Each episode was narrated by a machine and most of the machines introduced had names.
2) This DVD took the best six of the series and put them all onto one disc. The topics included demolition, a trip to the dump, race cars, search and rescue vehicles, trucks, and farm vehicles. I liked that each episode was quite different than the others.
What my son thought about The Best of Mighty Machines DVD:
1) He was mesmerized by every second of every episode. I've never seen him watch or listen so carefully before. (I wish he would pay that much attention when I or my husband are speaking to him.)
2) He often shouted for me to "look at this" and "look at that" while he pointed excitedly.
Needless to say, this DVD is a winner. I think the directors did a wonderful job keeping the episodes visually appealing and the writers did just as well with the narration.
You can find The Best of Mighty Machines DVD and others from this series on NCircle Entertainment, Amazon.com, and many other places where children's DVDs are sold.
Thank you to NCircle Entertainment for providing us with a review product free of charge.