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Giveaway Winners: Kolobags, Twin Sense, and Glitterful Felt Stories

We have three great contests to determine the winners for today. I know a lot of you really want that laptop bag from Kolobags, but I want you to know that we will be giving a different one away during our "Get Cool For School" Giveaway Event. In fact, the Kolobags contest will be kicking off our event on August 3rd!

Now, let's get on with the good stuff!!

Out of 802 entries, the winner of the Kologbags Messenger Laptop Bag Contest is . . .

True Random Number Generator Result: 696
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Heather22 said...
Entered Evolve Contest #1
July 22, 2009 7:32 PM


Out of 89 entries, the winner of the Twin Sense Book contest is . . .

True Random Number Generator Result: 63
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Heather22 Said,
My cousin will get the most use out of this book. It looks like a great baby shower gift.
Posted on July 22, 2009 6:47 AM


Out of 185 entries, the winner of the Glitterful Felt Stories contest is . . .

True Random Number Generator Result: 179
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Pam Said,
I entered Fortune Cookie giveaway #4
Posted on July 23, 2009 11:54 PM

Well, this is the second time this has happened ever . . . that the same person won two contests within one group of drawings. What are the odds?

Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter these contests. I will be sending official email notifications out to all the winners. Please respond within 48 hours to claim your prizes.