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Giveaway & Review: "Twin Sense" A Sanity-Saving Guide to Raising Twins [CLOSED]

Twintuitive Product #4

I chose this book about parenting twins by Dadmara Scalise (a healthcare journalist and mother of twins) to feature as a "Twintuitive Product" because I am a parent of 2.5yr old fraternal twins who has survived the past 2-1/2 years without such a guide. Having read this book from cover to cover, I can wholeheartedly recommend this book as a useful resource for anyone who is expecting twins or even triplets. I even think households with two infants or toddlers close in age would also benefit from some of the tips in this book.

What I thought about Twin Sense as a parent of twin toddlers:

1) Having experienced 2.5yrs of raising twins, I have to say that I agree with 100% of what this book tells the reader to expect as far as how the addition of twins affects your household.

2) This book is a very user-friendly guide. You do not have to read the book in its entirety. Each chapter is devoted to one specific topic and there are easy to follow sub-headings within every chapter. For example, there is a chapter on traveling on a plane and one on planning a family vacation. These are chapters I will go back to when it is time for us to plan our first family vacation.

3) Even though my twins are now toddlers, I still found helpful tips in this book. The section that is most relevant to my twins is Chapter 15: Keeping the Peace. There are some suggestions in that chapter I am eager to try.

4) There are two sections of the book that contains tips I think can only happen in ideal situations. The first section is about having both parents doing the nightly bottle feedings for the first 3 months. In my case, my husband had a long commute and was falling asleep at the wheel when he tried to take one of the feedings in the middle of the night. The other thing is the lists of what to buy is not for everybody's house. For example, we would not have been able to fit two changing stations in our home nor could we afford the cost. In fact, we didn't even use the one changing table we did have. We just kept changing pads handy and changed the twins on the floor. This was a space-saver and it eliminated the danger of having to step away from the child on the changing table because the other twin needed immediate attention.

After reading this book, I highly recommend it for anyone who is expecting twins or has recently given birth to twins. The tips in this twin parenting book are reliable and derived not only from the author's experience, but from her research and interviews of other parents of twins.

Currently you can find this book at and most places, both locally and online, where parenting books are sold.

Thank you to Amacom & Dagmara Scalise for providing us with both a review product and contest prize free of charge.

What you can win:
One lucky reader will win a copy of the book Twin Sense: A Sanity-Saving Guide to Raising Twins .

This giveaway is open to U.S. entries only. You do not need to be a blogger to enter, but you must have a valid email address and be age 18 years or older. If you enter anonymously and do not include a valid email address in your comment entries, I will not be able to notify you should you win this random drawing.

How to Gain Entries:
Leave a comment telling me what you think is (or might be) the most difficult thing about parenting twins. You MUST do this to be eligible to win this contest.

Extra Entries:

1) For an extra entry, leave a separate comment telling me who will be getting the most use from this book if you won this contest.

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Random Drawing:
This contest will be closed on Thursday, July 23rd, 2009 at 11:59pm EST. A random number drawing will be held shortly after. The winner will be announced here and will be contact via email or through their blog. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, a new number will be drawn.

Good luck in the drawing!