Our 2.5yr old twins have not had much exposure to the Care Bears on television, so when I was presented with a chance to review the Care Bears: Tell-Tale Tummies on DVD, I was extremely curious to see the twins' reactions. I already knew our 5yr old son would enjoy it.
The Care Bears: Tell-Tale Tummies DVD was released this month, on June 9th, 2009. It is packed with eight episodes, which is a nice surprise compared to the usual four episodes found on most children's DVDs.
What I thought about this DVD as a parent:
1) I have always had a very positive opinion about the Care Bears. Since I was a child, they have represented all that is right in the world. This DVD reinforces that opinion.
2) I like the recurring theme of the consequences of lying on many of the eight episodes. Expanding upon topic the of lying, this DVD also touches upon exaggerations and not taking credit for something you didn't do.
3) Other helpful themes presented to children are the concepts of not being embarrassed about not knowing how to do something, accepting help from others and showing gratitude, that it's okay to help others and not receive credit for it, greediness and hoarding, and how things may not always be as they appear.
What my 3 children thought about this Care Bears DVD:
1) As I predicted he would, my 2.5yr old son smiled and swayed back and forth to the theme song.
2) Although the twins enjoyed the colors, the action, and the special effects, the parts where all the characters stand in a group to carry on discussions managed to lose their attention a bit.
3) My 5yr old son's favorite episode was "No-Snow Day." In fact, he enjoyed it so much that he asked to watch that episode again immediately after the DVD ended.
Overall, I think this was a wonderful DVD. I do love the lessons each episode teaches, unfortunately I do think many of those lessons will be lost on children younger than preschool-age. This DVD is perfect for preschool through early grade school-aged children.
You can find the Care Bears on DVD locally and online most places where children's DVDs are sold, including LionsgateShop.com .
Thank you to Lionsgate for providing us with a review product free of charge.