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Review: Bella Sara Royalty Trading Cards

Bella Sara has brought the enjoyment of trading cards for young girls into modern times by adding the magic of a free online fantasy world. What little girl has not pretended to be a royal princess dressed in an ornate gown living in a beautiful castle? This new Royalty card series was introduced earlier this month and my daughter was lucky enough to receive two packs to review. We did not find the sought after Sara card, but she did not mind.

What I thought about Bella Sara as a parent:

1) I like that this children's online game is not interactive. Since Bella Sara targets girls as young as 5yrs old, it is much safer than interactive online roll playing games. This coupled with the parental controls offered on the website allows parents peace of mind.

2) I think the artwork is well done, although I think a small fraction of the illustrations are a little on the dark side for younger children.

3) I think the positive messages on the cards are a good concept for older girls, but will be lost on the younger ones.

4) I definitely like that the Bella Sara Royalty Card Packs come with stickers and tattoos rather than gum.

5) In this new series of cards, Bella Sara offers one code to redeem for multiple virtual prizes on a Ticket Card rather than one code per prize. This makes redeeming prizes a much quicker and simpler process.

6) I always am looking for sites with child-friendly activities, such as puzzles and free printables and Bella Sara offers both of those and more.

What my 2.5yr old daughter thought about these girls trading cards:

1) Even though she is too young to participate in the virtual game, my daughter was delighted with her Bella Sara cards. I think the beauty of the illustrations made them magical for her.

2) This was my daughter's first experience with temporary tattoos. She did extremely well sitting still during the applications and was very pleased with the results.

3) My daughter treasures her cards and is extremely gentle with them. In fact she carries them around the house proudly in her mini pink backpack.

To learn more about the Bella Sara game, you can take a virtual tour on .

If you'd like to track down Bella Sara trading cards, you can find them locally at most toy stores, department stores, and book stores.

Thank you to Bella Sara and Team Mom for this opportunity.