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Giveaway Winners: 2 Father's Day Fling, "Peeper Has a Fever" Book

There are 6 contest winners to announce today!

Out of 1843 entries, the 4 winners of the Father's Day Fling: Remington & The Body Shop Contest are . . .

Grand Prize: #516 5/21/2009 18:30:16
3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires
Raspberry body butter from body shop!Women's Body Pen Trimmer
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Runner Up Prize #1: #1262 6/3/2009 7:37:15
Hot Brights Blush and 7-1 beauty kit jen gersch

Runner Up Prize #2: #682 5/23/2009 14:08:05
Blessings Abound

Runner Up Prize #3: #163 5/20/2009 12:31:45
Life Starring Ellie and Eve
i like the Moroccan Rose Body Butter from the body shop.


Out of 618 entries, the winner of the Father's Day Fling: EyeBuyDirect Contest is . . .

#293 5/25/2009 18:29:27
Jaque Richards
I like Laurie's picture, love the frames! :-)


Out of 65 entries, the winner of the Dr. Hippo Book "Peeper Has a Fever" is . . .

True Random Number Generator Result: 27
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

MAC Mom said...
I have your Dr. Hippo button
May 28, 2009 10:02 PM

Congratulations to all the winners! Each of you will be sent an official email notification. Please respond within 48 hours to claim your prize. I hope everyone is enjoying the Father's Day Fling!!