To help parents like me, a product development specialist named Bruce H Wolk wrote "The Essential Guide to Finding the Best American-Made Products for Your Kids" . . . a book titled Made Here, Baby! This book tells parents about over four hundred companies within the U.S. who make safe non-toxic toys and children's products.
What I thought about this book as a parent:
1) I really like that the book includes both large and small companies. I think it is very important to point out that many of the businesses that produce safe wooden and fabric children's products are small mom and dad businesses. They really should be commended and deserve our business.
2) This book is well-organized. Chapters 3 through 7 are each devoted to one category of children's products.
3) This book is very user-friendly. It contains 6 indexes, one of which is a standard book index. The other 5 (indexes A to E) allow you to cross-reference when searching for a particular product or company.
Some familiar companies I am extremely glad to see in this book are Step 2, Vermont Teddy Bear, Bum Genius, Bitty Braille, Happy Panda Baby, Little Tikes Company, K'nex, and Tag Toys just to name a few. This book would make a great gift for any parent or parent-to-be.
Thank you to Amacom and the Family Review Network for this review opportunity.