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Silly Monkey Stories: J-A-K-E Spells Stud

Last week, Jake's school held a kid's night fundraiser. Parents could pay to drop their children off for 3.5 hours for an evening of movies, pizza, games, and crafts. Our little 5yr old was very excited to go.

So we dropped Jake off and he seemed to not even notice that we were still there anymore 5 seconds after we arrived. There were children there from all different classes, but we saw that at least one of his classmates was there . . . let's call her M.

When we came back later to pick Jake up, one of the women who was running the event asked us if he and M were friends outside of school. We were puzzled. Jake rarely saw her outside of school aside from attending a few birthday parties. The reason why the woman asked was because Jake and M stayed with each other almost the entire evening. Jake even had his arm around her while they watched one of the movies and they shared their popcorn. It seems that they even held hands at one point.

The funny thing is that Jake was wearing a shirt that read, "Sorry Girls . . . Mom Says No Dating." My dear husband and I are going to be laughing about this one for quite awhile.

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