He is elderly and arthritic, but generally still in good health. I think Buddy should be the Clean + Green dog. He makes enough messes to keep the company afloat all by himself. Some days his arthritis is worse and he doesn't feel like moving until he really gets the urge to go. Then he can't make it on time. He also goes through periods of a couple of days where everything he eats and drinks comes back up. He is not discriminating about where he makes his messes. Nope, Buddy is an equal-opportunity soiler . . . wood floors, upholstery, even his own dog bed.
I was so impressed by the first Clean + Green product I tried, that I was so thrilled when I was asked to experience two additional products. The wonderful part about Clean + Green is that it is odorless and it also eliminates odors very effectively by encapsulating the odor causing particles.

Have you ever cleaned up a pet mess and noticed afterwards that you could still smell that mess? That happens in our house quite often. Well, two days after I received the Dog Wood & Tile cleaner, I got a chance to put it to the ultimate test. Buddy vomited on our hardwood floors. It was the most foul-smelling thing I have ever had the misfortune of smelling. If I didn't watch him throw up, I would have thought that the mess had come out the other end. I grabbed the Clean + Green, but I was skeptical. That is how badly the floor smelled after I had cleaned up the mess.
These are my thoughts on the Clean + Green Dog Wood & Tile Cleaner:
1) The product does what it says . . . it made the horrible odor disappear.
2) As cautioned on the can, the floor does become slippery. I let the cleaner sit for about a half an hour and then I went over it with paper towels. It was still a little slippery after that and did not completely dry for a couple of hours.
3) I love that this product is odorless.

The second product I received was the Litter Box Odor Eliminator & Cleaner. We have four cats and three litter boxes. No matter how much we scoop and sprinkle baking soda deodorizer, you just cannot walk into our house without knowing that we have cats.
Here's what I thought about Clean + Green for Litter Boxes:
1) When we sprayed it on the emptied litter box, the embedded odors disappeared.
2) When we sprayed it over freshly scooped litter, it again eliminated the cat odors.
3) We tried spraying this product on the walls and I do think it made a difference. It never occurred to me that pet odors can be embedded in our walls before I read it on the can.
Overall, I am extremely pleased with each Clean + Green product I have tried. The important thing to me is that the products works well by eliminating odors and cleaning up pet messes as promised. The fact that they are all-natural pet cleaners is just an extra benefit!
What you can win:
One person will win 3 Clean + Green products of their choice.
This giveaway is open to U.S. addresses only. You do not need to be a blogger to enter, but you must have a valid email address. If you enter anonymously and do not include a valid email address in your comment entries, I will not be able to notify you should you win this random drawing.
How to Gain Entries:
Visit Sea-Yu.com and take a look at the various products available from Clean + Green. Then come back here tell me which 3 products you would choose to receive if you won this contest. (You may choose more than one of the same product.) You must do this to be eligible to win this contest.
Extra Entries:
1) Visit the Clean + Green homepage and complete the 3-question poll found to the right. Then leave a separate comment telling me your answer to at least one of the poll questions.
2) Add this blog to your Technorati Favorites. Then leave a separate comment telling me you did so and under what username. Add to Technorati Favorites
3) Blog about this giveaway linking back to this post AND to Clean + Green. Then come back here and leave a separate comment with the link to your blog post.
4) Follow me on Twitter. Then leave a separate comment with the link to your Twitter profile.
5) Tweet about this giveaway linking back to this post. Then come back here and leave your link in a separate comment.
6) Subscribe to this blog's feed. Or you can follow me through Blogger or subscribe via email (widget is on sidebar). Then leave a separate comment telling me you did so.
7) Add my button or blog link to your blog's sidebar. Then leave a separate comment with the link to your blog.
(All entries will be verified prior to awarding this prize.)
Random Drawing:
This contest will be closed on Thursday, April 16th, 2009 at 11:59pm EST. A random number drawing will be held shortly after. The winner will be announced here and will be contact via email or through their blog. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, a new number will be drawn.
Good luck in the drawing!