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Mamalicious Monday: Tutu Good to Pass Up!

I use to blog about exceptional deals I've found while out shopping all the time. It's been awhile since I've made such a post . . . probably because I've cut way back on shopping during the past several months.

I had forgotten about this red tutu skirt I had picked up during Gymboree's President's Day sale a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't walk away from it. It was only $6.99 plus an additional 20% off. I believe it was regularly priced at $26.50. Also, there's no sales tax on clothing where we live. You can't tell by the photo, but this tulle skirt is actually very full. I couldn't make one for what it cost me to buy. Also, it's lined in satin and comes with a diaper cover.

On a side note, my 2yr old was so thrilled when I pulled this out of her closet this morning. With two brothers, I was sure she would become a tomboy, but she definitely loves anything girly. I think she's going to grow up to be a princess with a mean right hook. What do you think?


Join in on Mamalicious Monday, hosted by Heather of The Gift Closet, and you will be entered in a drawing to win a great prize each week you play along. All you have to do is post about something related to being a mama . . . which can just about be anything.