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Looking Forward in 2009

I thought it would be great to start off the new year on a positive note. So here is a list of 10 things that I am looking forward to in 2009 . . .

1) Our oldest turns 5 in January
2) Our twins turn 2 in Janaury
3) My dear husband and I will celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary
4) Our son will be done with preschool in the spring, which means no more tuition
5) My first blogoversary is coming up in March
6) Hunting for a larger house (if the market allows it)
7) Reading books and playing board games with our oldest
8) Watching our toddlers reach new milestones
9) Maybe squeezing in one or two dates with my husband
10) The possibility that the twins may start sleeping through the night

Thanks for taking the time to read my list! I wish all of you a safe and happy New Year!!