Are you ready for a giveaway?
Our sponsor for this contest is! If you haven't heard all the buzz about this website, then let me give you a little taste . . .
Chicago Tribune…“Finish any good parenting books lately? We didn’t think so…..McLaughlin and her small team of professional writers (mostly moms) read classic and newly published parenting books in every category imaginable. Then they write eight-page summaries, which cover the book's nuts and bolts.”
ABC’s View From The Bay…“Basically, it’s CliffNotes for parents.”
I cannot tell you how many baby and parenting books I have sitting in my closet. I started one when I was pregnant with my now 5yr old son and I never finished it. The rest were gifts and have not been opened more than once (if that). As a mom of three who authors two blogs, runs two businesses, is active in two online mommy communities, gives me hope that I can still catch up on the latest parenting techniques.
Currently, there are parenting book summaries available for 155 different books on ParentsDigest. These summaries are all only 8 pages long and can be read right on your computer or printed out to read at your leisure elsewhere. Finally someone who understands how busy moms of today really are! takes the concept of ebooks to a new level.
You are invited to try ParentsDigest for free! You are welcome to two summaries (Healthy Child, Healthy World and Babyproofing Your Marriage) at no cost to you.
What you can win:
The prize for this contest is a free 3 month subscription to (or the winner may choose to save $19.45 off a 1yr subscription).
This giveaway is open to worldwide entries. You do not need to be a blogger to enter, but you must have a valid email address.
How to Gain Entries:
Visit ParentsDigest and sign up to receive the two free book summaries. Make sure you choose Three Garnets N Two Sapphires in response to "How did you hear about us?" Then come back here and leave a comment saying "I entered!" or "I got my two free summaries!" You must complete these steps to be entered in this contest.
Random Drawing:
This contest will be closed on Thursday, January 29th, 2009 at 11:59pm EST. A random number drawing will be held on January 30th, 2009 by . The winner will be contacted via email.
Good luck in the drawing!