It is so strange that this Dragon Naturally Speaking promotion has come to my attention today. I find it odd because just yesterday (only two days before Christmas) my husband said to me that he should have thought of asking for Dragon software for his Christmas gift. You see, he needs it for gaming. I suppose it is too difficult to chat and be in action at the same time. Well, we had agreed to not exchange gifts this year as part of our cutting back on spending, so he was out of luck.
I personally would love to be able to blog hands-free. I author two blogs and have two businesses on top of having a husband and three young children. I am always looking for new ways to multi-task. I am seriously considering purchasing this software. I could write it off as a business expense on my taxes for 2008, but how would I convince my husband that I need it more than he does?
The following coupon codes can be used for three different versions of Dragon software including $50 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred. All three expire on December 31st, 2008.
- $50 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred
- $25 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard
- $25 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -MacSpeech Dictate
December 31st is not very far off. I need to make a decision quickly before this promotion comes to an end. If anyone owns this software, I would love to hear about your experiences with this product. Also, if you have any ideas about how I can convince my dear husband that blogging is more important than gaming, I am all ears. ;P