I haven't had many household tips to post the past few weeks, but this week's Works-For-Me Wednesday is all about toys that are worth buying. Since I have 3 children (almost 5yr old boy, 21mos old boy, and 21mos old girl), I can easily contribute this week. When I thought about what toys to recommend, I could only come up with unisex or toys geared towards boys. My daughter is only 21mos and there just are not too many girly toys she is interested in aside from baby dolls.
The Leapfrog Fridge DJ is the first toy I would like to recommend. There are 3 different stations and a wide variety of songs so it does not become repetitive. The songs are catchy and the children will like dancing to it. The radio itself can be carried by hand, sit alone on a flat surface or be place on the fridge because it is magnetic. The songs teach everything from the alphabet to counting to the days of the week . . . and some of them are just for fun.

The next toy I would like to recommend is a classic . . . Legos. This toy is a great investment. Our choice is the Lego Duplo blocks. These are recommended for ages 1-1/2 to 5 years, but I say it should be 1-1/2 to adult. My husband and I enjoy building with these as much as the children. We love to build things for them to use their imaginations to play with by incorporating their other toys, like a multi-level parking garage for my preschooler's diecast cars.
The last toy I would like to recommend is the MegaBloks Tiny 'n' Tuff collection. These are cars and other vehicles that come in 3 pieces. It really promotes problem solving skills in toddlers because they have to figure out how to assemble them like a puzzle. They can also interchange the parts from different cars to design new ones. We have many different sets including the one shown below. My preschooler has loved this toy since he was 1-1/2. (The only thing about this car carrier is that he has pinched his fingers on the back that opens and closes.) They even make some cars in pink!

To play along or to read more toy recommendations, visit Rocks In My Dryer. Thanks for stopping by to read mine!