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Trisha Haas from Bambina Ballerina Makes Beautiful Bow Holders . . .

Trisha Haas from Bambina Ballerina makes beautiful bow holders, but that's not all she does. Take a peak at her beautiful creations as featured on A Blog of Goodies. If you are dying to get your hands on one of these hair bow holders, you'll have to get in line.

When I said that's not all Trisha Haas does, I wasn't kidding. Aside from the her all important jobs of being a wife and mother, this WAHM also is the brains behind I don't know how she does it. Running the MomDot website and the MomDot parenting forum & blogging community is a full time job and then some.

The point of this post is to thank Trisha Haas for being such a great mentor to all the WAHMs out there who are trying to start home-based businesses so they can remain at home with their children. She bends over backwards to support these mommy businesses and shares the lessons she has learn through her own business ventures.

Thank you for all you do, Trisha!!